Saturday, March 3, 2012

Slippery Ice!

I didn't say anything yesterday in my blog about my major fall yesterday morning.  I was taking the dog out on the leash first thing, the sun's out, and I'm looking down at the deck wondering what the heck is all over it.  It looked messy with blossoms.  Well, yes, there were blossoms, but they were also covered in ICE!  And the last thing I remember is thinking, "...I'm going to have to blow this deck off!"  Hah!  That's AFTER I blow myself off the deck!!  I hit all three stairs going down and landed really hard on my left ribs.  My dog is halfway down the driveway and doesn't know how to deal with the dangling leash, I'm crying, and I'm calling her back to me because if she sees a deer, she won't come back.  My husband can't hear me because he's still sleeping.  I'm hosed, right there at the bottom of the steps.  My dog's licking me in the face now, worried.  I finally get the strength to get myself up and go back in the house and wake up my husband.  So yesterday, I basically, laid low.  I'm still very sore, but I guess I'll live.  When we got in bed last night, I told my husband, this is just like what Gilda Radner said, "It's always something!"

So my dilemma now is that I was supposed to cut mats today.  Yeah, right.  Well, I'm going to try and see how it goes.  If I can't then I just won't have any other 'new' work.  I have some standard mats already cut, but these are digital sizes, I might have a problem.  I have those two canvas wraps that I'm hoping to get in the mail today or if not today, then Monday.  I can still use some of the new stuff I have hanging in the gallery now.  So I guess it's all good.  I'm not going to worry about it.

Joan and I got the okay on the poster I did for the Artful Bra Show.  Awesome!  I'm going to draft up a chart on the musicians we're hiring for the year that I've also been working on.  And I can also finish posting our events on TheLoomisNews website.  It's not like I don't have anything to do.  I think I'll print out some images for postcards on the new art work I'm bringing in to the gallery this month and make cards.  I'm INK RICH!!

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