Friday, February 24, 2012

World's Most Obnoxious Photographer

It finally happened!  Yesterday I met the world's most obnoxious photographer.  We took the grand kids to the local zoo, but first they wanted to ride the train.  So we head over to the train and wait for it to come back from its trip around the park.  The people pile out, the Engineer comes over and the first thing out of his mouth is, I have a B.A. degree in Photography from such-n-such college, and immediately grabs my camera and commences to change all my programmed settings!!  He further tells me how to carry my camera the 'right way', and that if I ever drop it that it will bend my lens and they can't be fixed you know!  You ask, what am I saying?  I am freakin' SPEECHLESS!!  What an @#$#%@!!!  He leaves to go help another 'helpless' victim with her little point and shoot.  I thanked my husband for not telling him I am a professional photographer.  I thought it was over, but NO, he comes back.  He says, and by the way, that is a very nice camera. He offers to take a photo of us with the grand kids and says, 'see how rich the colors are?'   I am fuming, and I'm thinking if he says anything more to me I will have to let out with some expletives in front of my grandchildren!!
What an !@#$%#%#!!  Did I say that already??  My God, I would never grab someone else's camera and start changing their settings.  I'm still flabbergasted over it.  All I can say is, that  is WHY he is a children's miniature train engineer and NOT a practicing photographer!!  That was 'obnoxious' at its best!

Alright, back to business.  Yesterday morning I did get back in the darkroom and worked on developing two more prints from the Bodie Ghost Town Series.  I got two done, not so sure if I am totally pleased.  However, I will look at them again and go from there.  Last night I took them out of the drying racks and placed them in the Ansel Adam's Biography book to get pressed! ; )  I'm in the darkroom again today and very happy about that.  I might do a couple more of Bodie, and then try to develop the No Hands Bridge print for the upcoming 100 year anniversary contest.

On our way home from the zoo, I got a call from the Auburn gallery and someone was interested in my Eiffel Tower acrylic painting.  How crazy is that??  I hope they buy it!!

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