Monday, February 27, 2012

Photography Special Orders

Back to work in the studio today.  Taking care of some business via telephone and online.  First of all I still haven't received my Epson inks and I have artwork due next Monday.  I called the camera store - no information.  I told them I wanted to cancel my order as I've waited two weeks already.  I mean, come on!  I don't have money to throw around like that.  I ordered from Freestyle and paid the extra bucks and even a little more for two day delivery.  Whether or not my original order will get cancelled, I don't know yet.  I noticed on the bottom of the receipt it said, 'No Refunds on Special Orders'.  I don't think it was a special order - they were just out of stock!  Well, we'll see how that one goes.

So just finished with that order and am going to order - hopefully - two gallery wraps.  I'm going online to compare prices with Mpix, and Simply Color Lab who is having a 30% off sale right now on wraps 16x20 or larger.

Yesterday I purchased a 'pink' flash drive. 'Pink' you ask?  Well, the Artful Bra IV Show is coming up and I wanted to put last year's photos of all 61 entries on a flash drive so we could display them on the digital photo frame that we have at the gallery.  Then when we talk about the Artful Bra Show to gallery visitors they can get a visual idea of what was done last year and help inspire them to make an artful bra themselves to enter for auction.  All the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

After I finish my ordering I have more internet business to conduct for the High Hand Gallery.  I'll be posting the Artful Sundays schedule on the local Loomis online newspaper.  Busy day!

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