Sunday, February 5, 2012

MariaSotoPhotography website

Yesterday was such a beautiful, sunny day outside - and to think I spent most of it in my studio working on the computer!!  Such is life.  However, I FINALLY finished selecting and re-sizing photographic images for my website to upload.  I thought I had finished that task but when I went to the Venice folder there wasn't anything in it!!  So I had to work on Venice which also meant Burano.  Now I'm ready to upload my photos to my website.  My website was created in 2001.  So it is an older version and I have been tempted to create a new one on my  own, I just haven't made that move.  What I have to do is upload each picture individually to my website files, then from there add them to my galleries.  That is going to take me a long $#% time!  We'll see how it goes.  If it's too frustrating, then I may have to do something about it.  All I want to do is get in the darkroom!!!  I made a list for myself in January and it had 10 items to check off and now I'm down to the last three hardest items!  Of course!

Today is the unofficial national holiday known as 'Super Bowl'.  I honestly don't follow it except for watching the last quarter of the playoff game, and then on to the Super Bowl.  So there's an interference right there! ; )
After working on my photos all day yesterday I came out of my studio and told my husband, '...I don't think any of my pictures are very good, really. There's nothing what I would consider breath taking.'  He said, you've just been looking at them for too long! Well, I do like Venice, Burano, and Santorini, and okay, Taormina the best!

High Hand Gallery is increasing their art classes this year.  They have quite a few coming up.  They have asked me several times to do one, but photography is performed in a dust-free work space.  You're either in the darkroom, on the computer or printing, at a work station cutting mats (which is just a small task of making the photographic image 'pretty').  This all needs to be performed in a dust free area - and the sheds do not meet that criteria.  I'd have to lug a laptop, printer, definitely no transportable darkroom, etc.  'But you could teach them how to take pictures!'  Seriously I don't want to teach anyone.  Even trying to do a class on photo transfers, I would need my computer and printer - so that's not going to work.  So that's a moot subject for me.  However, if you're interested in taking any other classes at High Hand, just go to

Here's a photo of Burano.  Just your basic, simple backyard, with the laundry hanging out on the line to dry. Nothing to be shy about here!  Life is friendly and cozy!  The only thing missing is the grass.

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