Wednesday, February 22, 2012

No Hands Bridge Centennial

Today's already Wednesday!!  Egads!  I've been busy - and unfortunately not in the darkroom since Saturday. I've had other pressing business to take care of.  You know, tax time, and other personal business matters.  But that's done now.  I'm going to mix up some fresh chemicals and head back in there tonite.  Can hardly wait.  I have several missions to accomplish:  1) new artwork for High Hand Gallery; 2) need to develop the No Hands Bridge negative for the Auburn Arts Commission celebration/contest for the 100 years old Mountain Quarries Railroad Bridge centennial event; 3) which I can't do anything about until I get my Epson ink order!!!  I called and it still hasn't shipped.  I don't know what's up with that, but I can't print off my Epson 2400 as I am completely out of Lite Magenta.  Bummer.  I usually do some printing when I'm in the darkroom which is a time saver.

As an aside, my son and granddaughter came up to visit us on Monday and I showed them my Bodie prints that I had just finished on Saturday.  My granddaughter is looking at them and says, this is film, right?  I said, 'yes'.  She said, 'You're right!  There IS a difference!'  She commented that they were so clear, and it's like you're right there.  There is definitely mystery to film and that is what I love about it.  You have to see it for yourself to believe it.

I also attended a meeting this morning at High Hand Gallery.  I think we got the budget and entertainment issues resolved for this year.  That always takes a chunk out of my day as it's a 45 minute drive to Loomis and then back again.  That's my life.

Here's one of the prints I developed from Bodie Ghost Town Series 2011 - 'Bodie Stove'.

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