Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Alcatraz Prison, CA

Here it is another week gone by before I've made my next post!!  That's crazy!  Pretty soon it's going to be Thanksgiving, then Christmas holidays!  Life just goes by, just like missed photo ops!!

I was driving down the canyon road this morning into town, and I had my camera in the back seat.  I wanted to take some shots as the fog was creeping in making for some sweet views, and then in the misty rain the fall colors of the live oaks really stood out in shades of orange and yellow!!  But it was raining - I missed the opportunity.  So now I'm hoping I'll find it again tomorrow morning.  It's still raining now.

I have been working and re-writing on my new web site.  Added my photography history with galleries and shows I've done, as well as, adding some helpful links.  I plan on adding more links.  Don't know if it's that necessary now that the internet is so THERE!  All you have to do is type in a description of what you're looking for and two seconds later it's there.  Added another gallery the other day:  Alcatraz Prison, CA!!  You might want to check it out for yourself.  Here's one of the images from that gallery:

When I was there standing on the first floor of the prison, I looked up through the grate to the second floor.  And it was eerily drawing me in.  That place can be creepy, but also pretty awesome.  I know it takes your mind back to when the prisoners were there under the surveillance of the guards.  The building was cold, wet, dark and dingy, but made for some awesome black and whites.  I love old historical places.

One thing I'm struggling with is whether or not I want to make a Facebook page of my photography only.  I don't know.  But then if I did, my blog could be posted there too and draw in more viewers to the website.  I'm still thinking.  Beyond that I need to make a decision as to "if" or "when" I put up my prints for e-commerce.

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