Sunday, January 5, 2014


I know I've been away for several weeks.  The holidays, sick family, and now it's my turn for this cold/flu, but I managed to find my way into my studio and try to get a step up into the new year with changes to my photography, my website, and art in general.

Whatever your art form is, I'm sure you subscribe to some online sites that are pertinent to you.  Mine being photography I receive emails from several photography online magazines and one of them is Shutter Magazine.  I've made the conscious decision to leave the gallery I am currently in - this being my last month.  Getting back to Shutter Magazine, there was a very timely article by Skip Cohen titled "Stop Procrastinating, Do some Serious Cleanup & Start Building for the Year Ahead."  So I started with my website and made a few changes about the layout and the verbiage about myself and my artwork.

The next item is the Blog!!  So if I'm going to be successful with the blog I need to comment at least twice a week, or shut it down!  That's his advice and I agree.  Blogging keeps yourself in your own 'loop'!!  Get involved with your community!  Now that I do, but there is a project in the back of my mind that I've been wanting to do free gratis, and I think I just need to do it.  More on that as it transpires.

Education is another area I want to spend more time on.  There are so many new processes, techniques to use on old processes, etc., etc.!  So to me, that means spending time in my studio.  Sometimes being so involved with a co-op which I am currently participating in, I've lost my photography 'mojo' and I want to get it back!  So that's it in a nutshell.  If you want to check out that article for yourself and maybe even subscribe to it, go to: .

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