Thursday, May 3, 2012

Action Photography

Lately in the early evenings, we go out and sit on the back porch.  We hung up some hummingbird feeders in the Japanese maples:  one outside my studio window, and one right in front of the porch so we can watch the birds feed.  Now mind you, this image isn't that great, but:  #1, I'm over 50, #2, it's taken with me hand holding my digital camera with a zoom lens, and #3, I have a drink in my other hand!  ; )  Hummingbirds are so much fun to watch.  Some of them are fighters (for the nectar), others are sneaky and have their covert moves, it's just too much fun.  They are among some of the smallest birds and can flap their wings 12-80 times per second.  They can fly backwards, and their heart rate can get up to 1,260 beats per minute!  They are constantly moving, so it's going to take, moi, quite a few shots to get a great one.  I'm posting a couple that I took the other night.  It was a lot of fun and we got some good laughs too!

Sometimes I wonder if I could do without the galleries and all the time one has to spend devoting to all they entail, and maybe just spend my time in the darkroom.  What would happen if I went that route?  There would be less pressure, a lot less politics.  But then there wouldn't be that constant camaraderie one has with being with other artists; I like that part.  Maybe just enter fine art competitions and see where that goes.  Something to think about.

Quote from LensWork:  "If a photographer really expects to produce great work, they must, just like musicians, be prepared to practice their craft every day.  Everyday.  This does not mean one has to take pictures every day, but one must at least practice seeing every day.  David Bayles

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