Yesterday when I posted I was unable to add the photos right away to my blog for whatever reason?? My PC was scanning and/or the fact that we have satellite - take your pick! So I added them later in the day.
Yesterday I did get in the darkroom and developed the 5 rolls of film! Looks like I got some good ones - sweet! I already cut the negatives and put them in sleeves, so now I need to go back into the darkroom and make contact sheets. Some film photographers don't make contact sheets, but for me it's like a visual library. I don't have to guess or try to remember. So I'll do that next and go from there. And again I haven't worked with the brown/copper toner yet that I was talking about. We've just been busy - outside of my studio. But I already do have some prints I can try the toner out on. I will just need to soak them before I run them thru that process. (So many fun things to do, and so little time!) I would like to have something different to put into the High Hand Gallery for the holidays. If that is to happen, I need to present one for jurying first though.
When we went thru Yosemite last Friday, it was a gorgeous day for anyone to see - first time or not. There were happy little puffy clouds, blue skies, and later the thunder heads rolled in. We missed the actual rain and hail storm and we lucked out with the aftermath of bigger puffy, silver-lined clouds and great shadows with the sunshine. We must have stopped 20 times to get out and take photos and look thru the binoculars. It was a pretty awesome day to end our trip.
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