We put about 1,000 miles on the car last weekend. Big event in Barstow: our 45th high school reunion. We really lucked out with the weather being in the low to mid 70s. Thank goodness! It was a great weekend visiting with ol' school friends. I think my husband and his siblings hit the jackpot with alot of their friends from Yermo showing up. I'm from Newberry (now called Newberry Springs), and no one ever shows up from there except the Bowdridges and Atilanos (the latter being me).
We all met at the Idle Spurs on Friday nite for dinner (for some of us), then cocktails and hors d'oerves. We even danced later - and I'm still recovering from foot surgery. My sisters were there and it was just alot of fun. Saturday was a tour of the Santa Fe RR station, where my Dad worked as well as alot of high school friends including my husband; then visited the Route 66 Museum as well as the Santa Fe Museum. Had lunch at the high school gym hosted by Del Taco. Barstow was the home of the original Del Taco in case you weren't aware of that one! Then Saturday nite was the big event for dinner and more visiting and picture taking. Five more years and the big 50th. I think I can wait for that one!
This picture I'm posting are the letters that spell out B-A-R-S-T-O-W. They were under a table in the museum, hence the title, "Barstow under the table...".
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