Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Mother

I have been absent for a week and am finding it hard to get back into the swing of things - namely, photography! So today I am going to honor my Mother, Velen, who passed away suddenly on Valentine's Day. (My mother's name Velen (aka Belen) is Spanish for 'Bethelem'.)

My Mother was vivacious, fun-loving, creative, artistic, strong and cared for her family deeply. She was also a very beautiful woman. She could do anything and she did whatever it took to help provide for her family, to give her daughters and son the things she didn't have in her own growing up years. Not only was she a retail sales clerk, she was a seamstress by trade. She could sew beautiful clothes and at one time in her career had her own bra business and made bras for women who were hard to fit and for those women who wore a prothesis as a result of cancer. She made her great grandson Sam a doctor's coat to match his Dad and Mom's. She made her great-granddaughter Victoria a beautiful magician's cape when she was going thru her magician's phase. Our Mom could 'make' anything. I remember us wanting things we saw in store windows and she would say, "Oh, I can make that for you when I get home!" And she usually did. Where there was a will there was a way. Of course we ended up saying those same words to our children, and now it's being passed on to theirs.

She was an artist in her own right. She painted with oils, acrylic and water color. I think every member of our family has at least one painting from Grandma. She was painting up to her last days.

She always made time for her grandchildren, inviting them out to stay with her in the desert where she lived. They built forts and explored the desert and she let them be themselves. She nurtured them and gave them wonderful memories of being with their Grandma.

Did I mention she was beautiful? She was very beautiful and dressed to the nine's at every occasion. She loved to dance and was an excellent dancer in her day. In fact, the last day that she spoke, she told my sister Carole, "I wish I could get up and dance!" Later after hearing this, I told my sisters that maybe those were the magic words, maybe that's all she had to say...and she would be on her way.

I love you Mama. You'll be with me always in my heart and soul and in everything I do. You were an inspiration not only to me, Pat, Carole and Joe, but to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You taught many of the girls how to sew, inspired them to paint and draw, and encouraged them to go to school and college. You have left us a legacy of strenth, perseverence and most of all LOVE OF FAMILY. We will all miss you dearly - but not to worry, as we will always keep you close in our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful Mary. You covered everything she was about. She had wonderful influences on all of us. Big hug and love to you :)
