The measurements of the art studio are 16x20 (336 sq ft) and the dark room will be 7x8 ft. I will have twice the amount of work space I have now and that's even with the darkroom in place. The floor has been framed, insulated and ply wood put down for the flooring. I took a photo and am adding it here so you can see what it looks like thus far - 'early beginnings'.
I received the manual for the Vivitar enlarger and immediately made of photocopy of it so I wouldn't get the original dirty. I brought out the Vivitar enlarger and took it apart, cleaning the lamphouse, the condenser and lens with a micro fiber cloth, and cleaned and wiped all the dust away from every part. I needed to get a feel for the Vivitar as I am not familiar with that model. I should be getting the Beseler manual any day now and when I do, will go thru the Beseler too.
I ran a report off Google for the Blog to see how that was going. As of January 27th I have had 214 visits. Granted some of them are returning visitors - but that's what it's all about!! Keeping people interested in what you have to say and it was just another positive enforcement for me and I thank all the people who have made this happen. Thank you! BTW, we just watched the movie, "Julie & Julia", the Julia Childs story running simulatenously with Julie's story of her cooking a whole year of Julia Child's recipes and writing her daily blog! I could definitely relate to the blog and was really excited about it. It was definitely a feel good movie for moi-ness!
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