Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beseler 67s Enlarger

I delved into the Beseler enlarger a little more deeply as I am writing out my 'process' for the printing portion of the whole darkroom process. This Beseler enlarger did not come with a manual. I purchased one from Canada and it is still not the exact manual, as it covers the 67SC/67SD. And this supposed manual does not tell you really how to operate it during the actual process - you are supposed to know everything about it so it seems. And of course the enlargers I've used in classes were not this particular model either. After reading up on the enlarger process in several books I have, I ended up calling Freestyle in southern California as they have a 800 number.

I was able to find out some of the issues I had like there is no white lite switch (though the manual refers to one); however it is turned off when I plug the enlarger into the timer! Easy enough! And there is no contrast filter as this is a dichroic color enlarger and the contrast for B&W is done with the magenta filter! So now I know how to take care of those issues. I think I found out on my own thru the Beseler website that the silver little handle is actually a 'tap screw', but I still don't know its' purpose or function. So if anyone knows, let me know!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Film Developing

Yesterday late afternoon, after running around with errands all day, I went into the darkroom and developed two more rolls of film. They were both another two rolls from two years ago: scenes of Cool at sunset amongst the oaks, Hearst Castle when I went with my sisters, as well as our trip to Pismo Beach, Shell Beach, and Solvang! What a combo, eh?

It is just too much fun in the darkroom for me. I have 6 more rolls of my own to develop. I called my son to have him bring me up all of his - and I know he's probably got alot!

I think either tonite or tomorrow I'll start developing some prints. I will have to check my chemicals but I think I'm fixed for that. One of these days I'd like to stay in the darkroom developing prints all day! No interruptions. But when you have an indoor dog, it's just not possible if you're all alone.

I definitely have to write my friend and fellow photographer Dave and let him know how my photography is going and to thank him for his input. He's been my inspiration from time-to-time over the last nine years. It's good to have a friend like that even though we've never met in person.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Photography Fan

Once in a while, a true lover of photography will take that extra step and tell me that they love "my eye" for capturing life. This happened to me out of the blue over the weekend. I wasn't home as I was downtown Sacramento picking up my framed works from the Doiron Gallery which closed it's doors on May 15th.

It turned out that this gentleman was an Oregonian passing through Auburn and he had stopped in to the Dessert Place and saw my Bodie Ghost Town Series. He said he proceeded to tell me he thought I definitely had the 'eye'!! He too was a photographer and I have to say that photographers aren't really fans of other photographers. Oh yeah, they might have their photography predecessor heroes long passed on that they yearn to emulate, but we don't buy other photographers works...unless they are absolutely fantabulous! I've done that only once so far. So thank you Mister Oregonian for building me up, making my day, providing encouragement to carry on knowing someone out there truly appreciates my art works!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I've been sick for the last couple of in my PJs. So I haven't written anything. I had done all of my film developing homework previous to my getting sick with the same cold my husband has had this last week. So today after laying around until 4:30 p.m., I went in the darkroom and decided this was it - sick or not! In my PJs I might add - so much for the apron! So, I just developed my first two rolls, which were probably from two years ago. I can't believe they came out - no streaks or bubble marks or chemical issues. Just plain ol' 'normal developed' negatives. How fun was that! I ran out and told my husband to come see - I was so excited. He comes in and wants to take a picture -- not today dear!

I have to say though that it did take me almost a half hour to load two rolls of film on the reels. But finally I mastered that, at least I was hoping.

Also, I might have a small iota of a 'light' issue from the door. Maybe it's nothing, but when I go to develop the prints it could be an issue. I need to figure that one out, but for now, I'm developing the film. I've got 8 more rolls to go. I should call my son and have him bring me his rolls he's got laying around his house.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Black and White Chemicals

Yesterday I drove down to Sacramento and finally purchased the chemicals needed to start developing my film! It was I have to say very exciting for me. The gentleman at Filco who sold me the products is also a teacher of photography at one of the local community colleges! How lucky can I get? I proceeded to buy the chemicals and also a package of multigrade ilford galleries fiber paper. First I'm going to start out using Ilfords RC paper, then progress to the fiber.

Today I continued to do some studying of the chemicals and figuring out the ratios - with a magnifying glass, I might add, as the fine print was made for flying insects! It took all morning and then I started mixing some of the chemicals, but not all. One of the big issues was Kodak's Photo-Flo. It says, '...mix 1 part to 200 parts'! Hah! Try to figure that one out. So I go online searching for someone who has already done this and find the "recipe" real quick! Well, I'm not the only one out there who had a hard time figuring it out. There are chatrooms on this subject. Finally, after reading everyone's opinion on this subject, I found the answer that I am going to try which is: 2-3 drops per 1 1/2 liters. And this answer was not on Kodak's webpage, but rather on some kind of a health website! I'll let you know how that churns out!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Today is memorable for me because it's the first Mother's Day without my Mom. I'm not sad because I have so many wonderful memories of my Mom and all the great times we shared together. I feel so much of her is in me as a woman and a mother. I see her smile when I think of her and her wonderful laughter. Thank you for teaching us to be strong women, Mama, and to know that raising our families is what life is all about. No matter what happens in our children's lives, we will always love our own. My sons Lee and Mitch are wonderful "men" and very loving and giving. When people say if you could do it all over again I always say I would never change a thing. I have been truly blessed as a mother and accept my responsibilities in that respect.

So to all my sisters and girlfriends and relatives I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day and pray that your lives are blessed too!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

What a day! Or as my Mom used to say, "holy schmokers!" Thank goodness my husband Ron helped me out - I never would have gotten those photos hung by myself. There was a big wall - a tall and huge big wall. As it was we weren't able to get up to the very top and a space is still available up there I'm thinking, since the owner said, "Will you be coming back with more photos to fill up the space?" Well, not this week! I told him I did have more and would bring some back for the top and with a taller ladder. It took a good long hour, whereas it would have taken me all day to do it by myself. Me no like getting on the ladder that high! However, we made a good team and got them hung which again, includes New York City, San Francisco, Sacramento, and France! A couple of the customers commented on how much nicer it looked from what was up there before, which were large acrylic paintings, as one patron stated, " least it doesn't look like high school work anymore!" Well, thank you very much!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

False Start

Well, as I'm heading down the hill to Sacramento this morning (it's 45 miles to where I was going), I called the owner of the cafe I am heading to in order to drop off my photos, and apparently there was a misunderstanding as to "who" was going to hang the photos. It's ME! And I was not prepared at all: no ladder, no hammer, no nails. So I told him I would come back with my husband and one of his ladders! We are planning on going down Thursday to get the job done.

Tomorrow I'm headed off to Stockton with my Aunt Carole to meet one of her classmates with who I have been corresponding. We're meeting at an Italian restaurant that is apparently very picturesque. So I will definitely take my B&W film camera (Minolta) and hopefully click off some great shots!

I was also saddened today to learn of a good friend and previous boss that I had at the county who passed away today. I'm posting a photo of the two of us in memory of him (as you can see it's definitely 80's). Dee was a great man, a good husband to his wife Ruthie, and a wonderful father to his four sons. We will miss him.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Framed Art Delivery

Busy, busy weekend! Working in the yards on Saturday which was exhausting, but not enough that we couldn't go to a party later! ;) Sunday we had company visit. A childhood family friend came down from Reno who I hadn't seen for about 13 years and we had a great time reminiscing. Both our mothers passed away recently - 21 days apart to be exact. We think the timing of their passing happened for a reason. It was a great day and we're already making plans to get together again!

So back to work on photography for me today. I finished up the last of the framing, adding the signage to the back of each photo which includes the: series, copyright date, my website, phone number, and email address. That takes alot of time. Cut the one last mat I needed to finish framing one photo. Boxed it all up and now all I have to do is type up the invoices to the Tantric Cafe and I will head down tomorrow and deliver all three boxes! It's a good feeling to clean up my new studio and eliminate alot of inventory that I had on hand. Wish me luck on the new venue!